“I just can’t go!” -the importance of gathering with the church

“I just can’t go!” -the importance of gathering with the church

This article was written and shared over on The Journeywoman Blog several months back, but I’m just now uploading it here. We don’t often share struggles like this, and yet friends, as true as these struggles have been, can I just tell you? I love my local saints. It’s not because we have a ton in common (most of us don’t). It’s not because they’re all my age (most of them aren’t). But by sticking around, season after season, through thick and thin … I can honestly say, I have seen gold in all of them. Even the grumpy ones. Even the ones I’d never naturally befriend apart from Christ. There is a wondrous beauty in the body of Christ, a treasure in each individual member. I didn’t always see it, and I’ve done my share of grumbling, to be sure. But I’m encouraging you … stick around where the Lord plants you. Don’t give up when things get rough. Pray for those who persecute you, press into Christ when you’re forgotten or your good deeds go unseen. And hold fast the head. When we continually stay in fellowship with Him, when we continually remember that God is for our brothers and sisters, just as much as he is for us … the lens we view things through begins to change. When we begin to see God’s heart for his church, God’s love for our brothers and sisters … He begins to knit us together not with human hands or preferences or worship styles, but with cords of Christ that cannot be quickly broken. May God reveal more of his glorious church to us, and may he gather us together, and keep us together … for his glory.

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Exhaustion flooded my soul. The relentless barrage of noise and bickering children weighed heavily upon me. I should have been getting ready for our church’s evening prayer meeting, but after a day of constant crazy, the thought of gathering with the saints sent anxiety through my heart. I sat at the kitchen table, unmoved, as darting thoughts flashed through my mind.

“Most of the saints are so much older…”

“They have no idea how exhausting it is to keep kids alive all day…”

“They’re just going to judge me for being late…”

“Is there a stain on this shirt? Ugh. I’m such a mess…” 

But my husband’s encouragement persisted. It was my turn to go, he gently reminded—and wouldn’t it be a nice break? A break?! Though skeptical of his suggestion, I grabbed my Bible and grumpily dragged myself to the car.

Moments later I stepped through the familiar doors and the sound of hymn singing washed over my soul. An older sister turned to extend a welcoming smile, and the weight began to lift. My eyes scanned the room of familiar faces—many who’ve sent baby gifts and brought dinners to our home; youth parents, who’ve cheered for us as we served their teens; and dozens more with whom we’ve shared prayers and labored side-by-side.

Tears streamed down my face as I realized all those previous thoughts—feeling judged, the heaviness, thinking everyone was against me—were imagined phantoms trying to hinder me from gathering with the Lord’s people.

In today’s fast-paced world, the thought of joining a church prayer meeting or gathering with brothers and sisters for a Bible study (sometimes even on Sunday morning) can seem overwhelming. It’s one more thing on top of our already-hectic day. Speculations swirl through our minds. Darting thoughts remind us of the faults of others—and ourselves. We’re tired, and it’s easy to make excuses to keep us from assembling with the saints.

But friends, amidst these weary, heavy days, our greatest need—apart from Christ himself—is to be among the Lord’s people. So when these thoughts come—and come they will—it can be helpful to hold tightly to these truths.

“Amidst these weary, heavy days, our greatest need—apart from Christ himself—is to be among the Lord’s people.


Towards the end of Hebrews, the author says, “let us consider how to stir one another up to love and good works…not neglecting to meet together” (Heb. 10:25). Friends, if we’re going to encourage each other to stand in the Lord in these strange days, to build each other up, to comfort one another (Rom. 1:12), to strengthen—and be strengthened by—one another, we need to be among the Lord’s people.

Paul described one church practice by saying, “as often as you do this” (1 Cor. 11: 26), reminding us that our gathering together shouldn’t be infrequent. And in the book of Acts, the young church leaves us the example of saints gathering daily—for fellowship, ministry, the breaking of bread, and prayer (Acts 2:42).

Of course, we can meet the Lord when we’re alone in our bedrooms or when we pray on our walks or linger over the Word. And we should fight for these hidden times each day. But there’s something different about “two or three gathered in [His] name” that doesn’t happen when believers are apart (Matt. 18:20). “For there I am among them,” Jesus told his disciples. There is an aspect of his presence that only comes when we’re with the church.

And can we not agree? Have you experienced the joy that comes when you worship with other believers? Have you read the Word with a small group and gleaned insight into the Scriptures that you’d never noticed before? Have you gathered with two or three to pray through a heavy burden—only to experience peace and relief, finally discovering the way through?

Yet as much as the Lord desires to gather his people together…

Continue reading this article on The Journeywoman Blog


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