Tag: mommy

Helping our Children find Motivation to Clean Up the Mess

Helping our Children find Motivation to Clean Up the Mess

We’d been upstairs for over an hour now. “Bear, clean your room.” Bear would then proceed to prance here and there and everywhere through her room, discovering toys and rearranging the dollhouse furniture – but the moments were ticking by, and still, no noticeable dent 

Create Your Own Watercolor Journals

Create Your Own Watercolor Journals

So. We had an accidental discovery today, or a moment of mild genius. Have you ever seen Watercolor Pencils?

The Beautiful Spanking

The Beautiful Spanking

Yes, you read that correctly. I spank my children. We also do time-outs, lost privileges, and other creative forms of discipline. But if you ask my husband or my kids—I’m still pretty much a softie. But one day, (you know, one of those “blog-worthy” days), 

How I Regained My Sweet Little Boy – the results of our TV-ditching experiment

How I Regained My Sweet Little Boy – the results of our TV-ditching experiment

The tantrums came out of nowhere.  We had made it past the “terrible twos” We had made it through the transition of a new sibling (at 27 months). Now, at 3 ½, when our house was slowing down and our life was starting to get